Monday, April 13, 2009

Utah-one looonnnggg trip!

Man, this trip to Utah was a LONG drive! I don't know, I mean we have driven from California to Utah millions of times but this was especially hard. I don't know if it was the nature of the visit or could it be that we didn't have a new "Percy Jackson" story to listen to (the new one comes out in MAY!).
McKay was bothered by everything and everyone. I used to think it was my kids personalities but now I think the age has a lot to do with it too. I think 6th to 8th grade is HARD. Maren seems to delight in having the ability to bother people too. One long trip, I'm telling ya!

It was good to see everyone and have all of Steve siblings together. We had sent the kids down to the school to play and an hour before the viewing, Chase fell off the zipline and broke his wrist! We were a little late for the viewing but what are you gonna do? He has it in a splint and a sling and I am supposed to take him in today to get a full cast on.

So, we drove to Utah on Monday, had the viewing on Tuesday, funeral on Wednesday, drove home on Thursday in time for me to rush to my class, another viewing in California on Friday (it was packed!) and a graveside service on Saturday. A very long week and we didn't have anything planned for Easter because we were supposed to be at my aunt's cabins in Philo. So, late Saturday night Steve and I hunted for what was left at the store while his brother, who is Jewish, boiled our Easter Eggs! But it all worked out in the end and everyone is happy and really, there is no better time to have a funeral than Easter time.

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