Saturday, March 21, 2009


WHY, WHY, WHY do I do it???? It is 8:30 pm on Saturday night and I have an 8 page paper due tomorrow by midnight and what am I doing????? Changing my background on my blog! I am just soooo burned out! I am seriously going to have to gird up my loins, cowboy up, something about a grindstone and get this done!
This is what stops me when I think about getting my Masters...I really need to take a break when I am done with all of this so I will be excited to write about profound, needless things.

But did you see the game where Utah State lost by one point? OH, it was heartbreaking, I think they played in Boise where a lot of fans were there-so sad. Don't even mention the University of Utah is funny, the kids know just to lay low until the next day, even though he is so much better than he used to be; the depression only lasts a day instead of a week!
But Spring is here! I love Spring! We are having some rain right now, which is why we high tailed it out of Tahoe this morning, to skip the storm. We need the rain so badly though, so I welcome it. Back to reading about the difference in personality traits that cause anorexia vs. bulimia...who knew?


b.liz said...

That actually sounds small doses! You are amazing, Celeste. I don't know how you do it!

April said...

I know how hard it is, but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so proud of you!