Friday, March 13, 2009

Kudos to Kaitlyn and Hooray for Hollie!

I just have to write about my two little (who are both taller than me) girls.
Kaitlyn is a freshman this year and she gets up every school day for seminary on her own at 5:00 AM. She then wakes up her dad and he takes her to seminary (I am usually at the gym). Kaitlyn usually does not wake up easily and she is the last one up on the weekends, so I know this is hard for her to do but she does it anyway.
She has totally taken advantage of Ripon's policy not to cut freshman in sports and has gone out for volleyball and now tennis. She said to me, "why not try it? They can't cut me this year!" I just think that is so brave of her and she has a great attitude about it.
She has done great in her academic decathalon class and was brave enough to go to the competition where she had to write a speech, be interviewed and take tests on different subjects. On the day of the competition, she was running a fever and had a terrible cough but went anyway because she promised her team she would do it. I dare you to ask her a question about Darwin's finches, I double dog dare you! She will know it too! I am so proud of her and for the beautiful young woman that she is. Kaitlyn just advanced to the intermediate class in Hula and there is nothing more beautiful than to watch Kaitlyn dance hula. Well, she is just plain beautiful!
Hollie has had quite a year. Her Uncle Dave, our stake president told us at the beginning of the year that this would be a big, deciding year for her and it really has been. She is trying out for cheerleading in a few weeks and is also getting ready for the swim team and non of her friends are doing it with her and that is a big step for Hollie. She has grown so much from the medical problems she has had to endure the last few weeks. I was so proud of her when she stood up this last week at our New Beginnings Program and talked about Faith. She was able to use this experience to strengthen her testimony of our Heavenly Father 's love for her and that He answers prayers and that the Priesthood is a power used to bless his children. Hollie has developed some great spiritual depth which I was worried about for awhile. To add this to her other qualities, well, she is unstoppable as well as beautiful. One of the speakers at new beginnings talked about how his brother is teased at school and how Hollie has stepped in numerous times to his defense and told the others to lay off. What a beautiful girl, inside and out.
So, sorry to totally gush about my two oldest, I just wanted to share with you how great they are because I know you know it isn't bragging, just celebrating! I will be happy to "celebrate" about your children too, anytime!


alison said...

Hey, they are your girls, you can brag all you want!

April said...

They reflect their parents, Celeste. You and Steve have done an amazing job with them. They are a great example of our Lords Daughters. Hug them both for me!

Kelsey Marie said...

I am so proud of Katie! I had no idea how much she was getting involved with at school and I'm so glad she is! Now that I look back, I wish I had gone out and done more while I was in high school. She is such a smart, beautiful, courageous girl and I'm really proud of her commitment to seminary. I hope she keeps that strength going as she continues on. She will benefit from it so much!

As for Hollie, I am so glad to hear that things are turning out okay for her medically so far. :) I'm glad that she is trying out swimming--and all by herself too!!! That is so great and I hope that she has a great time with it. She is such a strong, amazing young lady that I have come to love. :D You have amazing girls Sister H, and they no doubt take after there mind-blowingly amazing mother!! :D