Monday, August 18, 2008

Did you know I knit-kind of?

This is what I am attempting to knit right now. I haven't knitted anything since 8th grade when I had the chicken pox and tried to knit some leg warmers. I never finished of course, my younger sister Stephanie did...of course!
Kaitlyn was reading some books about girls who knitted and she wanted to start. My Auntie Carol taught her last summer. She checked out three books at the library and this book comes from the "Yarn Girls" who have a yarn shop in New York and all the stars that knit go there-ok, I can only think of one, Julia Roberts.
But I thought this poncho was totally cute and I am using gray wool (Kaitlyn said I have too much black and purple would make me look like the blueberry girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!) It is really easy, even though I have had to tear it out at least 15 times! I was almost done with my first two balls of yarn (you have to double it up) and I saw towards the beginning where I knitted where I should have pearled or vice a versa. So I tore it out and I am almost back to where I was. ( I will need to use 8 balls of yarn) The problem is that I would rather do this while I watch the Olympics than say fold laundry, do the dishes etc. So, I am a little behind.
If it turns out, you will all get ponchos forever! If it doesn't, Maren gets one!!!!

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