Thursday, May 20, 2010

My new obsession...

Yep, this is it, THE BODYBUGG!!!! I ordered it for myself for my birthday. I have been wanting one for at least 1 year when I saw them on the BIGGEST LOSER but didn't want to spend the money on it.
What it is, the thing with the black strap goes on your upper left arm so the "bug" part is in the back of your arm and through out the day, it calculates how many calories you burn and how many steps you take.
I plug that in to the computer to see how many calories I have been burning and then I type into the program what I have eaten.
In order to loose two pounds a week, I need to eat no more than 1650 calories and burn at least 2650 calories a day so my defecit will be 1000 calories a day.
The little watch thing is a display that you can wear that will tell you how many calories you are burning, it was an extra 100.00 so I didn't get it, I just obsessively plug mine into the computer all day long.
I lost 5 pounds the first week and 2 pounds this week. I LOVE IT! There have been times at night where I plugged it in and realized I need to burn more calories and dragged the dog and/or Steve out for a walk!
I got it because I am more physically active than I have ever been and I couldn't understand why I was not losing weight. This way, it tells me why...eating whatever I want on Sundays and sitting at church for 3 hours than taking a 2 hour nap-that made me have a SURPLUS of calories for the day, not a defecit!
I also like it because you can get an overview for the week. I tend to have a black and white mentality so if I "blew it" one day or one meal, I would think "what the heck" and just eat whatever I want. This way, yes, I surplused on Sunday but overall for the week, my numbers were pretty good and I lost two pounds!
I have been asked by a few people what is the black band I am wearing. Jonie Eklund, at the stake camp meeting asked if I was in mourning! Leave it to Jonie! But, Sheila Bice came over and flashed her bodybugg that she was wearing! When I got it, I seriously wondered what I would do at YW Camp without my bodybugg to plug into every night-I am THAT ADDICTED!!!
Maren is the most concerned about me wearing it out in public, which I think is kind of funny. I tell her, "Maren, don't worry about it. I will embarrass you with plenty of other things than wearing the body bugg!"
Totally worth the money, got it on sale. Wish I would have done it sooner!


Kelsey Marie said...

Congrats on the weight loss so far! That is so great! :D This body bugg thing sounds really cool!

Jules said...

It is amazing, huh? So glad you're loving it! :)

b.liz said...

Good for you, Celeste! Sounds like a great little gadget...i'm always wondering about intake/output on calories.