Friday, August 14, 2009

Psycho Cat!

Ok, I have too many posts about our cat, Minerva who truly is a psycho cat-so more than one post is too many BUT she had kittens at the end of April. We finally got rid of them at the beginning of July and she just had kittens AGAIN THIS MORNING! How can that be? She was still nursing??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! We were going to take her in to get fixed but she didn't give us enough time!
She had them in the bushes this time and the sprinklers turned on this morning and they got all wet! She had 4 orange ones and 2 calico ones like her. The kids are so excited, of course, and Maren came up with the idea to name them from her favorite movie at the moment, Little Women. Oh, the excitement that was felt in our home, knowing that one of the boy kittens would be named Laurie! (The last litter was named after the Percy Jackson series and her first litter last year were named all Narnia names-so apparently we have a tradition going)

SO far, one of the orange ones have died, so I had to dispose of that (why did Steve have an early meeting in Sacramento this morning?) and Minerva only seems to be caring for one kitten. SO, I moved them into a box and then moved them into our "spare" garage where she has had the other 2 litters and locked her in. She isn't being the "good" mama she has in the past which worries me a bit because I think her hormones are out of whack and she will attack us like last time. I mean, Post pardom depression in cats is not fun!!!!! But who can blame her-12 kittens in 4 months-serious cause of whacked hormones!
Maybe I should get her some animal anti-depressants-I don't care what Tom Cruise says-post pardom is real-even in cats!!!!!!!!

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