Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post Script on Adopting...

After I put that out there, I had the worst two weeks keeping up with my kids schedule and I know the answer. No, I am not too old to adopt but I am not going to because I already have a full-more than full-life of keeping up with the kids that I have. I don't think we over schedule our kids either, but if you allow your kids to have one activity outside of church and you have 5 kids, that is 5 activities to keep up with along with the church activities and your own activities and church activies which leads to a very full life.
So, thanks for the vote of confidence but I am going to concentrate on the kids that I have and look forward to eternity and having more! :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is 41 too old for a baby?

Ok, I am throwing this out there to anyone who reads my blog...I am totally baby hungry!!!! Many of you know that I don't posses the plumbing to grow a baby anymore but Steve and I have talked about adopting for the past 5 years ever since we have moved to Cali.
Sometimes Steve is baby hungry like when he held Keilani my neice and my friend Allison's twins who are two. Allison's Claire just snuggled into Steve and he looked at me and said, "I want one!" and then it seems like sanity takes over and we realize we are past our time of having babies, that there would be a 6 year difference between Chase and the baby etc. I wouldn't be able to go to YW camp again for awhile (if they were to ever ask me again), I am enjoying my freedom when the kids are at school etc.

Then yesterday at a the Assemblyman Berryhill's meeting at our school, I snuggled a three year old on my lap and kept him happy so his mom could listen. I stood in line at Kaiser last night to pick up meds and saw a mom and her 3 year old boy who was sick and he was snuggled into her and my heart aches-just aches!

Whenever I am in a place to receive personal revelation, the feeling of adopting totally nags at me. How do I know if it is revelation or just missing having a baby? When I think about going forward with it I think about all the times I would have to wake up at night and how I am too old for that and the terrible two's etc and I shy away. I think I could wait for 10 years and be a grandma (oh, that kind of sickens me-I feel old, but not old enough to want to be a grandma yet)

I just wish the feeling would leave me if it isn't supposed to happen. Maren and Chase would totally love a baby. I think McKay would too-he loves having his baby cousins. Kaitlyn wants a black baby because they are so cute. Hollie thinks it would be kind of weird to have a baby and we should adopt a teenager (hello-I would take the terrible two's over a teenager!) . Steve worries about a 6 year break between Chase and a baby and maybe we should get a two year old. Steve also says that he doesn't think we should adopt just one (when he is acutally thinking postively about adopting) that we should probably adopt two so the baby wouldn't be alone. My word, we would be parenting until we are senior missionaries! I guess a parent is always parenting though....stuff to think about....any thoughts would be nice.